We are always looking for new talent and short films. If you have a short movie that you would like us to consider, click the link below and follow the instructions.
We’re constantly looking for ways to improve our festival. Hang with us on Moscow Shorts social media channels and share your thoughts.
Get Involved
Moscow Shorts would be nothing without our volunteers, guests, collaborators, and partners.
Your contributions go toward allowing us to sustain and improve year-round programming.
Moscow Shorts needs tens of enthusiastic volunteers every year for both the Monthly Screenings and the Annual Event. Volunteering for Moscow Shorts is about helping a wonderful selection of films and artists to share their stories. However, the real benefits of volunteering aren’t things, or even films—they are the experiences you have and the people you meet. Fore more info, contact us.
Your donation supports our mission to promote creative, independent storytelling. To contribute, please scan the code bellow or click this link.
You can support Moscow Shorts by spreading the news and information about our events. If you represent a media publication, and you would like to cooperate with our festival, please contact us for a discussion regarding the media partnership.
Highlight your brand in front of a targeted audience of filmmakers, film lovers and industry professionals. Moscow Shorts offers multiple advertising channels to amplify your marketing message. For additional information and details, please contact us.
Moscow Shorts produces over 50 events per year for the film-loving public. These events help raise the vital funds needed to foster independent filmmaking and support a community of artists who embody diversity, innovation, and uniqueness of vision. Becoming a sponsor of Moscow Shorts International Short Film Festival has many advantages. Among other things, your company has the opportunity to communicate with over 10,000 passionate visitors and take advantage of the media coverage that the festival attracts each month. Together with the festival, your company can create unique experiences that attract interest and contribute to business benefits. We stand for diversity and artist-driven expression. If our vision aligns with yours, please contact us to discuss opportunities.